Thursday, December 3, 2015

Today I went off the deep end (lol).  My personal page needed to be renewed in three days, so I thought long and hard about what to do.  After about two weeks of praying and thinking about what I wanted to do, I decided to go ahead and go from a personal website to a store website.  What was really nice its was cheaper for the first year of the store website than to renew the personal one.  I am really taking a leap of faith and trusting that this is what I am suppose to do at this time in my life.

Now I have to decide if I am going to call the store Vickie's or Zebiesmom.  If I go with Vickie's there is no filing for a DBA.  If I go with Zebiesmom I have to file for a DBA.  I really like the Zebiesmom name and it's not that much to file for a DBA just time consuming and I have 40 days after I start selling to file.

Let me know which name you think I should use.   :)

The Last week I have been getting organized with all the things I plan on using to make the products for my store.  It's been fun and sometimes boring but it's the only way you can make sure you know where everything is (or at least that's the idea, so I have told "lol").  I am in no way OCD when it comes to organizing, but I have a bad habit of putting things away where I know I can find them and then forget where that was.  So I have decided to go back to the school of organized clutter (not everything has to be perfect), as long as I know the general area of where it is and can find it there I'm good.  Somethings I have very well organized in 3 ring binders and are labeled, but other things are not that easy to organize (like paper, etc...) so they fall under the organized clutter.  

These are only a few of the things that I have gotten done, there is still more to go :)

So now you see what I mean by organized clutter.

What are some of the things that you do to get organized?

It's time for me to get back at it!

Thanks for visiting and have a Blessed day,


Monday, November 23, 2015

Today starts the Thanksgiving prep taking out the turkey putting in the fridge to start thawing, making sure I have everything I need for the big feast.  This year I am actually going to do most of the cooking in advance (at least I hope I do).

What are some of the things you like to do in advance of the big feast to help keep down the stress of preparing the day of?

For me so far I already have the green beans done they are in the freezer.  I did a big batch of them a few months ago and froze most of it in meal size portions. I already have some pies done and in the freezer too, so I just have to re-bake them that day.  The way I am doing the mashed potatoes I will make them the day before and finish baking them in the oven the day of too.  When it comes to the rolls I still haven't decided if I want to make them from scratch or just buy them all ready made.  Of course the gravy (the most important part according to my daughter Sonja) will be made the day of.

Just a little to big to my rotisserie so it has to go in the oven.

In other news on since my last blog entry as of this morning I have lost a pound (YAY) and all I've really done so far is started drinking water.

If you are trying to lose weight what are some of the changes you have made in your life?

Have a Blessed day and Thanks for visiting,


Thursday, November 19, 2015


It's been a while since I've been here, life has been a little crazy.  I lost my nephew Cody on October 16 only three days before his 21st birthday, that really caught me of guard.  I am really going to miss him.  My daughter Freya was 5 1/2 months older than him and my daughter Sonja was exactly six months (to the day) younger than him. 
This is one of the boards at his Celebration of Life

I am in the process of starting my new website it's  I can't believe how much there is to learn, but it's only been one day and I'm sure it will get easier as I go.  I published it already so that I could see what I needed to do and how I liked it.  I set up a twitter, facebook, and pinterest account yesterday.  I'm sure there is some more I need to set up (maybe?).

My Pivotal Living Band is vibrating letting me know that I have been sitting to long, so it's time for me to go and get active (lol).  Yes I am working on getting in shape and losing weight.  I am learning to like water (it's tough).  

Have a Blessed day and thanks for visiting,


Monday, January 19, 2015

I have taken a few weeks off to recharge my self and it really helped.  I went to my doctor had my physical, did a bunch of blood work (6 large tubes...oh my).  In the next few months I will have to have the rest of the test that are done that are for the one year check from when I had colon cancer last year (fun...yay right).
    I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.  It's hard to believe that 2014 is over, but it's a chance for a new start.  I have been so blessed by family and friends after the loss of my daughter Catherine and my job in November.
     This month I've have made it a no spend month, but there has been some spending things that had to bought like a new battery for the car and a few other things that didn't have to be.  Most of the things that were bought were with gift cards from a friend, so I don't fell guilty for that.  All in all I did really great not spending money unless I had too.
       Today I spent almost two hours going through my all my emails.  This is something I have been putting off for way to long.  There were some many that I said I was going to read later and never did.  I had about 500 that just needed to be deleted because they no longer were any good (coupons, ads, etc.), and the rest that I wanted to keep but never put into a folder there was about 400 of those so now they are in folders and some that I read then deleted.  There are only about 10 more I want to read before I put them into a folder, but I finally got tired of reading and will finish the rest tomorrow.  I don't ever want to let my email get that bad again so at least once a week I am going to purge my main email list, I get over 200 emails a day (wow).

Take everyone and have a Blessed day