Thursday, December 3, 2015

Today I went off the deep end (lol).  My personal page needed to be renewed in three days, so I thought long and hard about what to do.  After about two weeks of praying and thinking about what I wanted to do, I decided to go ahead and go from a personal website to a store website.  What was really nice its was cheaper for the first year of the store website than to renew the personal one.  I am really taking a leap of faith and trusting that this is what I am suppose to do at this time in my life.

Now I have to decide if I am going to call the store Vickie's or Zebiesmom.  If I go with Vickie's there is no filing for a DBA.  If I go with Zebiesmom I have to file for a DBA.  I really like the Zebiesmom name and it's not that much to file for a DBA just time consuming and I have 40 days after I start selling to file.

Let me know which name you think I should use.   :)

The Last week I have been getting organized with all the things I plan on using to make the products for my store.  It's been fun and sometimes boring but it's the only way you can make sure you know where everything is (or at least that's the idea, so I have told "lol").  I am in no way OCD when it comes to organizing, but I have a bad habit of putting things away where I know I can find them and then forget where that was.  So I have decided to go back to the school of organized clutter (not everything has to be perfect), as long as I know the general area of where it is and can find it there I'm good.  Somethings I have very well organized in 3 ring binders and are labeled, but other things are not that easy to organize (like paper, etc...) so they fall under the organized clutter.  

These are only a few of the things that I have gotten done, there is still more to go :)

So now you see what I mean by organized clutter.

What are some of the things that you do to get organized?

It's time for me to get back at it!

Thanks for visiting and have a Blessed day,


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