Monday, December 8, 2014

Life after Catherine's passing

Hello everyone,
    After my daughter Catherine went home to be with the Lord in November, I needed to do something to help me deal with the emptiness that it left in my life. Taking care of her took so much of my time (which I didn't mind, because I loved her a lot) that now I almost don't know what to do with myself, so I started turning her room into my sewing room (pictures below are of the progress).  I still have two special needs children (adults now) at home that I take care of, but they don't have all the medical needs that Catherine had. 
    Losing her was the worst part, but with her passing I also lost most of my income because I was her IHSS worker.  I still have a few hours with my other two girls but not enough.  Our income was cut almost $4000.00 a month in a matter of one day.  My other two girls are Autistic and were denied their DAC by Social Security so we had to get a lawyer and file for a hearing.  In order for me to find a job away from home I am limited to the hours I can work which is from 3:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. since I don't drive (right now...long story) because my husband goes to work from 12:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (up to 1:30 a.m.) and I have to be home with my other two girls.  I am praying that doors are opened for me to earn money from home.
    When you lose someone you love it's easier to think about all the things that need to be taken care so you don't feel the pain that it left (at least for me).  I still find myself thinking about doing things or not being able to do things with Cat (Catherine's nickname) or seeing something that she would love to have, watch or listen too.  I miss her and when I think of her now I smile more than I cry because now she is able to walk, run, dance, talk and so many other things she couldn't do on this earth.

Have a Blessed day and thanks for visiting

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