Sunday, November 30, 2014

A little about me

     This is my first blog so I'd like to tell you a little about me.  My name is Vickie Sanders, I live in Southern California with my husband a two of my daughters.  We just lost one of our daughters Catherine on November 3, 2014 she had just 20 on September 5, 2014.  We were very blessed to have her that long, because when she was born my husband (we are a blended family) was told when they sent her home at 15 days old that the machine they sent home with her would let them know when she died.  Needless to say they were very wrong and she stayed on this earth for 20 years.
    The two daughters that are at home with me are Freya (20) and Sonja (19) from April 19th to May 24th all three of the girls were the same age until May 25 when it's Freya's birthday.  It always funny to see the reaction of people when they were all three the same age. 
    I have two older children from my first marriage a daughter named Natasha who is married and has two kids (who are the greatest grandkids ever, yes I know that's what all grandparents say) and a son Niel.  It was hard on them when we left Hawaii and their father and I got divorced.
     I remarried in 1993 and had two more children Freya and Sonja who are both autistic, and sadly their father past away in 2007.  Which brings me to my husband now, he lost his wife in 2006 and we were married in 2008.  The funny part about my husband now is, I knew him when I was 18, I use to date his best friend right after high school.  After my husband died I was looking for friends from high school and found my husband on the site (we went to the same high school he graduated a year before me) we started talking and the rest is history (as they say).
     I guess that's enough for now I don't want to give away all my secrets all at once (lol).  Have a blessed day.